Archaeology in Action!

University of Sydney Near Eastern Archaeological Research Showcase

Saturday 18th May, 10am-2:30pm, Vere Gordon Childe Centre, Madsen Building & online

In support of National Archaeology Week, the Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation (NEAF) presents a showcase of current University of Sydney Near Eastern archaeological fieldwork and research projects. Projects explored will include the prehistoric landscape of Arabia, the Hellenistic/Roman theatre at Paphos on Cyprus, the site of Zagora on the Cycladic island of Andros, ancient Pella in the foothills of the Jordan Valley, the Late Antique Little Ice Age (LALIA) from an African perspective, and the expansive Iron Age site of Kerkenes.

Download the program

Cost (includes morning tea)
In the Room:
– Member $80
– Non Member $100

On Zoom:
– Member $60
– Non Members $80

Students are free

This event will be held in-person & online via Zoom. Please register here