Pella Volunteer Scheme

An opportunity to work on the excavations at Pella

For nearly thirty years we have provided members of the general public with an opportunity to work on the University of Sydney’s excavations at Pella in Jordan.

In conjunction with the Pella Excavation Project, we have enabled people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the unique atmosphere of working on an archaeological dig.

Please check this page for updates on upcoming excavation seasons.

Volunteer with us in 2025

Hear from our volunteers

“Thank you to the staff and the Jordanian people that have made all my seasons unique experiences and last but not least there is Jordan with its beauty and incredible historical sites that have captured my imagination.” Read more


“Perhaps the most exciting thing about being on a dig at Pella is the company you keep. All the archaeologists are passionate and very knowledgeable about their areas of expertise, whether its Roman glass say or Bronze Age pottery or Hellenic mosaics.” Read more


“Pella is unexpectedly beautiful and the springtime wildflowers have to be seen to be believed. The permanent spring of water has enabled people to live in the vicinity for literally thousands of years. There are some wonderful ancient buildings still in evidence; Roman and Byzantine as well as Umayyad.” Read more



NEAF Pella Podcast Series “Our Favourite Things”

Most Recent Excavation Season: January-February 2023

We had a full compliment of volunteers for the 2023 excavation season at Pella.

During this season we investigated:

  • The LBA Palace (Area 32) that contained the wonderful assemblages found in 2019, and the MBA Palace that lies below (ca. 1800–1200 BCE)
  • The new trenches 20 metres west of the ‘palace’ (Area 28), exploring the gate/courtyard area of the Iron Age ‘bit-hilani’ palace that sits above the Bronze Age buildings (ca. 900–800 BCE)
  • The monumental EBA fortification system, and earlier domestic structures on the eastern summit of Tell Husn (Area 34)
  • The Mameluke period (ca.1250–1500 CE) governmental complex on the central mound (Area 23), and earlier Hellenistic (ca.100 BCE) remains below it.

Finds from the most recent season include an assemblage of stunning wood, bone and ivory furniture inlays, glass and faience vessels, faience and stone cylinder seals, metal figurines and ceramic cult stands – all from the Late Bronze Age palace; as well basalt figured column fragments, faience, glass and stone from the Iron Age through the Islamic periods.

Key Dates for Upcoming Season 2025

The dates of the 2025 Pella Season are:

  • Group 1: 05-23 January 2025
  • Group 2: 26 January to 13 February 2025


The cost of participating in either group is $6450 (To Be Confirmed)

The fee includes food and board (and, hopefully, a lot of fun!) for the three weeks you will be at the Pella site, as well as internal transport to and from the site.

We do not arrange group bookings as most volunteers tend to have travel plans before or after their time with us at Pella. If you are interested in working at the important and beautiful site of Pella, a 2025 Pella Application form is available here.

You can make a payment here.

More Information

P: +61 2 9351 4151

Karen Hendrix, Volunteer Coordinator,
Pella Volunteers
The University of Sydney 2006


Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation
Level 4, Vere Gordon Childe Centre, Madsen F09, University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
+61 2 9351 4151