The NEAF Bulletin commenced in December 1987. It was a A4 sized newsletter, black and white. Dr Alan Walmsley was the founding Editor and Jon Hosking was the Managing Editor.

Since those early editions, Ben Churcher as Editor has developed the Bulletin into a high-quality publication, featuring articles on new research and excavations in the Near East, and bringing NEAF members news about our tour programme, the Pella Volunteer Scheme, forthcoming events, and reports by the students and researchers who receive NEAF Grants.

Bulletin #60 May 2019

View Table of Contents.

Bulletin #59, July 2017.
View Table of Contents.

Bulletin #58, October 2015.
View Table of Contents.

Bulletin #57, April 2014.
View Table of Contents.

Bulletin #56, April 2013.
View Table of Contents.

Bulletin #55, February 2012.
View Table of Contents.

Bulletin #54, October 2010.
View Table of Contents.

Bulletin #53, December 2008.
View Table of Contents.

Bulletin #52, February 2008.
View Table of Contents.

Bulletin #51, September 2007.
View Table of Contents.

Bulletin 50, September 2006.
View Table of Contents.



Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation
Level 4, Vere Gordon Childe Centre, Madsen F09, University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
+61 2 9351 4151