NEAF Library

The Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation (NEAF) operates an archaeological library housed within the Vere Gordon Childe Centre (VGCC), Level 4, Madsen Building, University of Sydney.
The NEAF collection is one of three which comprise the VGCC library. Access to the NEAF collection is governed by the policies and rules of VGCC. Library access is granted to bona fide researchers. The VGCC application form and conditions of use are available online or at the library.
The NEAF collection includes archaeological volumes, periodicals and theses covering the following areas:
- The Near East
- Cyprus
- Mediterranean studies
- Archaeological science, theory and method, and history.
The collection has come about through donations and bequests. Donated items that are outside NEAF’s priority collection areas, are already held in the collection, are in poor condition or are otherwise not required may be sold, discarded or passed on to another library. Only single copies of any one text are included in the collection. Prospective donors should check the NEAF catalogue as we do not accept items that are already part of the library’s collection.
The library is shelved following the British School at Athens library system, by subject categories. Books in the NEAF collection are identified by an orange sticker on the spine.
The library does not allow off-site borrowing so the full collection is theoretically available at all times. Books in the collection are not available for inter-library loans. The library catalogue can be found at: