About Our Tours

For over 30 years, we have run tours for anyone with a general interest in Near Eastern culture and history. Fully escorted by leading experts who share their personal love of travel and archaeology with their tour participants, our program is run in conjunction with Sydney-based companies Academy Travel and Alumni Travel.

Since the founding of NEAF in the 1980s, tours have been led by experts including Dr John Tidmarsh, Ben Churcher (Dr Jodie Benton with Ben Churcher), Dr Erin Crumlin, Maree Browne, Karen Hendrix (Egypt), Dr Stephen Bourke AM, Professor Daniel Potts and Dr Alan Walmsley

During this period NEAF has taken hundreds of like-minded travellers to the Near East and beyond. Starting close to our spiritual home of Jordan, NEAF’s tours have since expanded their horizon and in the past 30 years the Foundation has taken tours to places as far afield as Morocco, Iran, Uzbekistan and China. We even have two tours to Mexico and three tours to Mali under our belt!

The common denominator is like minded people interested in archaeology and history who love to travel off the beaten track – not only to exotic locations, but also to that out of the way place in well-travelled countries such as Greece. Led by practicing archaeologists, these tours allow an entrée into the countries we visit allowing the personal interests and experience of the tour leaders to value add to the visitor’s knowledge of the country and its history.

Upcoming Tours

October 16 – November 3, 2024

Morocco: The Grand Tour

Discover the best of Morocco on this 19-day tour, from its rich and diverse architectural heritage to its vibrant cultural traditions, stunning landscapes and unique gastronomy.

Events and Tours


Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation
Level 4, Vere Gordon Childe Centre, Madsen F09, University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
+61 2 9351 4151 neaf.archaeology@sydney.edu.au