Friday 17th November 2023 – 7.30pm – 8.30pm:
Venue: Eastern Avenue Auditorium – University of Sydney

Dear Members and Friends,
We are pleased to provide you with information about a lecture by Dr Mostafa Waziry who is an Egyptian Archaeologist, Egyptologist, and the Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt. This lecture is presented by the Chau Chak Wing Museum (CCWM).
In Egypt, numerous excavations, discoveries, and conservation works have been carried out from 2018 till now, covering various sites across Egypt dealing with different types of conditions such as sand, mud, dust, high temperatures and rainfall.
This work has encompassed excavations, discoveries, and conservation efforts at very important archaeological sites, such as Giza, Saqqara, El Ghorifa, Luxor and the Delta. These excavations have yielded numerous precious finds, including tombs containing mummified remains, statues, coffins, and funerary furniture.
With the remarkable discoveries made by Egyptian hands, several new Egyptian museums have been opened. Conservation efforts have also been diverse, involving activities such as preservation, reconstruction, and cleaning. These initiatives have contributed to the development of various archaeological regions, such as Tanis, and site management plans have been implemented for several archaeological sites.
Dr Mostafa Waziry is in Australia on behalf of the Australian Museum to open the Ramses exhibition. This will be Dr Waziry’s only keynote lecture during his time in Australia.
Bookings are essential and please use the following link to register and pay for this event.
Please note this is NOT a NEAF event and for further information please contact the CCWM on Phone: +61 2 93512812