On this page you can view the table of contents for each of our past Bulletins, and download the Bulletins as PDFs.

Bulletin #60 May 2019


Pella in Jordan 2017: From Canaanite Town to Medieval Medina
Stephen Bourke

Refreshing Antiquity at the University of Sydney. The Chau Chak Wing Museum
Paul Donnelly

Living in the Tombs: Monastic Life near the Valley of the Kings
Karin Sowada

Damascus 100 Years Ago: The Australian Light Horse and the End of an Empire
Ross Burns

Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are
Karyn Wesselingh

The Duck’s Tale. A Gem from Jericho at the Nicholson Museum
James Fraser & Wendy Reade

The Missing Years: Revealing Early Hellenistic and Early Roman Pella of the Decapolis
John Tidmarsh

Loading Up. New Collaborations on Research on Chalcolithic Teleilat Ghassul, Jordan
Peta Seaton

Grant Report
Holly Winter

Petra: The Jewel in Jordan’s Archaeological Crown
Ben Churcher

Download Bulletin Issue #60

Bulletin #59 July 2017


Rituals, Technologies and Subsistence in the Desert Margins: Investigating Saruq al-Hadid, Dubai, U.A.E.
Lloyd Weeks, Charlotte Cable and Kristina Franke

James Fraser: The new Senior Curator of the Nicholson Museum

Adieu the Transient Building

News from Jordan
Michele Cotton

Pots of Memories
Catriona Bonfiglioli

Messages from the Desert: Revealing the undiscovered past of Jordan’s Wadi Rum
Glenn J. Corbett, American Center of Oriental Research, Amman

Egyptians and Immigrants: Data Collection in Europe
Bonnie Clark, NEAF Grant-in-Aid recipient

A Greek Trading Port in Egypt: Excavation at Naukratis in the Nile Delta
Wendy J. Reade

The Wandering Star of Ghassul: From the east to the west – and back again?
Bernadette Drabsch

Extending the Olive Branch Research into the prehistoric exploitation of the olive tree and its fruit the southern Levant
Anne Dighton, Catherine Southwell-Keely Grant recipient

J. Basil Hennessy and Teleilat Ghassul: Celebrating Fifty Years of Australian Excavation and Research (1967-2017)
Stephen Bourke, Director, Ghassul

On Her Majesty’s Secret Service: Excavating a dolmen in Circassia and other antiquarian adventures
Maree Browne

Assessing the Role of Migration at Samtavro Cemetery, Georgia.
Natalie Langowski, Leone Crawford Travel Grant recipient

The New Ruins of Syria
Ross Burns

The Intention and Function of Ushebtis
Sharyn Volk, NEAF Grant-in-Aid recipient

Iran: In Depth, May 2017
Ben Churcher

From Pit to Page: A short tale of a long book
David Thomas

The Pazyryk Carpet Hermitage Museum
Kate da Costa

Download Bulletin Issue #59

Bulletin #58 October 2015



Pella in Jordan 2015
Stephen Bourke
Research on the Hellenistic polis in Asia Minor
Simon Young
On the Tiles in Central Asia
David Thomas
Battlefield Gallipoli
Sarah Midford
The Archaeology of the Desert Cults and the Origins of Israel’s God
Juan Manuel Tebes
The Heritage of Palmyra: Lectures in honour of Khalid al Asa’ad
Ross Burns
Drawn into the Star: Recreating the Ghassulian Wall Paintings
Bernadette Drabsch
Sheikh Muftah and OldKingdom Interaction at Mut al-Kharab: The Lithic Evidence
Sarah Ricketts
Interconnections between Lebanon and Cyprus during the Middle and Late Bronze Age
Hanan Charaf
“For the Temple-bells are callin’, an’ it’s there that I would be”: Working at the Kuthodaw Pagoda in Mandalay
Wendy Reade
Elamite funerary practices
Yasmina Wicks
Sweet Boy Dear Wife: Jane Dieulafoy in Persia 1881–1886
Ben Churcher

Download Bulletin Issue #58

Bulletin #57 April 2014



J. Basil Hennessy A.O. 1925–2013
Stephen Bourke
News from Southern Jordan
Michele Cotton
“A nation stays alive when its culture stays alive” A report from the Kabul Museum
Jamie Fraser 
The Earliest Village People: Past work and future prospects at the Natufian site of Wadi Hammeh 27
Phillip C. Edwards
Investigating Neolithic Iran: Contributions of the Mamasani Archaeological Project
Lloyd Weeks
A View from the southern Caucasus
Antonio Sagona
The Whispering Trees of Dhofar
Wendy Reade
Pella in Jordan 2013
Stephen Bourke
Holy Cows and Lambs of God: Animal bones from the Pella temple
Karyn Wesselingh
Elites along the Euphrates: A monumental tomb at Jerablus Tahtani by Carchemish, Syria
Edgar Peltenburg
The re-discovery of the ‘lost’ minaret of Qalca-i Zarmurgh
David C. Thomas

Download Bulletin Issue #57

Bulletin #56 April 2013



A Chalcolithic hunting station in central Cyprus
David Frankel and Jenny Webb
The Sanctuary of Lot at Deir ‘Ain ‘Abata in Jordan
Konstantinos D. Politis
A gift from the Government of India
Michael Turner
Classical glass at Çatal Höyük?
An interview with Dr Margaret O’Hea by Tiffany Donnelly
Just another brick in the wall?
David Thomas
The significance of the palaestra at Hellenistic Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates in North Syria
Graeme Clarke
Pella In Jordan: Dusting off some gems from the vault
Stephen Bourke
Aerial Archaeology and the Black Desert of Jordan
Rebecca Banks

Download Bulletin Issue #56

Bulletin #55 February 2012



Pella in Jordan 2011. Early Bronze Age Fortifications, a Late Bronze Age Palace and a Hellenistic Villa
Stephen J. Bourke
Lion-Adorned Monumental Gate Complex Unearthed at Tell Tayinat, Turkey
Timothy P. Harrison
What a Relief! The Conservation of Two Assyrian Archers from the Nicholson Museum
Wendy Reade
Reading the runes. Insights into the inhabitants of medieval Jam
David Thomas
Revisiting an old site. Publishing Ambelikou in Cyprus
Jenny Webb and David Frankel
Temple to Church? The Mystery Building of Area XXXVIII at Pella in Jordan
Kate da Costa
Turning up the heat in the dating game. Using thermoluminescence to study cairns in Jordan
Jamie Fraser
Rhodian Amphorae and Alexandrian Architecture. Burials at the ‘Tombs of the Kings’ in Paphos, Cyprus
Craig Barker
The Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation. Celebrating 25 years
Maree Browne and John Tidmarsh

Download Bulletin Issue #55

Bulletin #54 October 2010



Westward Ho! A Near Eastern Archaeologist on Andros
Wendy Reade
Pella in Jordan 2009
Stephen J. Bourke
Qaleh Kali 2009. More news from the Royal Road
Amanda Dusting & Kat McRae
The Kazakly-yatkan Wall Paintings
Fiona Kidd
The Housing Insula at Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates
Heather Jackson
Diary of a 21st Century Archaeologist
Alison Betts
Hunting for the Palmer Sinai Expedition
Jamie Fraser
Berlin Museums
Maree Browne

Download Bulletin Issue #54

Bulletin #53 December 2008



Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates River
Prof. Graeme Clarke, Dr Heather Jackson & Dr John Tidmarsh

Ceramic characterization and inter-site relationships in the northwestern Central Plateau, Iran, in the Late Neolithic to the Bronze Age
Edna Wong

Download Bulletin Issue #53

Bulletin #52 February 2008



In Search of the Roman Empire
Kate Da Costa

Excavations on Tell Husn 2007
Stephen Bourke

Fortress temple, Ceremony and the Humble Pit
Ruth Ward

Download Bulletin Issue #52

Bulletin #51 September 2007



Excavations on the main mound at Pella 2007
Stephen Bourke

Looking for Liduma
Dan Potts

The Petra-Shobak Tomb Survey
James Fraser

Aswan & Abu Simbel
Maree Browne

Download Bulletin Issue #51

Bulletin #50 September 2006



Building ziggurats in the air
Dan Potts
Jebel Khalid: A Seleucid Garrison on the Euphrates
John Tidmarsh
Perisan Gardens
Maree Browne
An Inside Job: Living and working in the house at Jebel Khalid
Wendy Reid
Adventures in Xinjiang
Alison Betts
Drawing the Line: The archaeology of Roman provincial borders
Kate da Costa
A Story written in Bones
Karen Hendrix

Download Bulletin Issue #50


Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation
Level 4, Vere Gordon Childe Centre, Madsen F09, University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
+61 2 9351 4151 neaf.archaeology@sydney.edu.au