2023 MAARC Conference: Call for Panels

The third annual meeting of the Mediterranean Archaeology Australasian Research Community (MAARC), will take place from Monday 13 to Wednesday 15 February 2023 (online via Zoom) hosted by The University of Sydney with the support of the Department of Archaeology, Chau Chak Wing Museum, Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens and Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation.

Following last year’s success in having a series of community organised panels and individual papers, we now invite prospective panel organisers to submit a panel proposal using the this form (if you can send your proposal form back with the proposers name in the document file name, it would be sincerely appreciated).  

The conference will be organised into sessions of 1.5 hours, allowing for three papers of 20 minutes with 10 minutes for discussion per session. Panels can be up to four sessions for a full day. Please return the completed form to the organising committee by 9th October 11.59pm via mediterraneanarchaeology@gmail.com 

The call for papers will open shortly after allowing panel organisers to include their panel in the open call or to fill their sessions individually. The call for papers will also offer individuals to submit a paper directly to the organisers to be part of a mixed session. Attending the conference will be free of charge, but registration will be essential closer to the date.


Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation
Level 4, Vere Gordon Childe Centre, Madsen F09, University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
+61 2 9351 4151 neaf.archaeology@sydney.edu.au