The Sam Eames Grant-in-Aid

To assist recent graduates of an Australian or New Zealand University, currently enrolled in postgraduate studies, to pursue research in the archaeology of Egypt, Cyprus or Western Asia.

Applications for this grant, including a short curriculum vitae, a statement of the candidate’s proposed research project, and detailed budget, should be emailed as PDF attachments only. Applicants are requested to arrange for two letters of reference to be sent directly to the NEAF email by the closing date.

Reference Number: 3260
Study Subject: Archaeology
Provided By: The Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation
Level: Post Graduate (Research)


This scholarship is offered annually to one person.

Payment Information

The value of this scholarship is AUD1500 (maximum per award). This award is to be used for research. This scholarship is paid as a one off and will be paid directly to the applicant.

Research Information

This scholarship is for one of the following fields of research: HISTORY and ARCHAEOLOGY.

Submit to

Grant Applications: NEAF
Address: NEAF, SOPHI A14
The University of Sydney
NSW, Australia 2006
Phone: (02) 9351 4151

Dr Sam Eames: 14.10.69 – 22.03.03

Sam completed her undergraduate studies in archaeology at the University of Sydney. She graduated with First Class Honours in 1991. Her Honours thesis, on the Bronze Age pottery of Cyprus, was published in the journal Mediterranean Archaeology in 1994. Sam was involved in a diverse array of archaeological projects beginning with her first seasons at Beth Shean, Israel in 1991 and 1992. Since then she has worked at the University’s excavations at I Fani, Italy (1992/1995), Pella, Jordan (1994/1997/1999/2001), and Rukeis, Jordan (1994/1995). Following in the footsteps of Sir Max Mallowan and Agatha Christie, Sam also excavated at Tell Brak in northern Syria in mid-2001.

In 1994 Sam received an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) which enabled her to commence her PhD research on Bronze Age settlement patterns in the Hauran. When funding ran out she continued her research and worked part-time at the Powerhouse Museum before becoming the Education officer at the Nicholson Museum, at the University of Sydney. During her two years in the post, Sam’s enthusiasm and commitment were instrumental in the success of the Museum’s projects to give school children across NSW and the ACT the opportunity to handle objects thousands of years old. Sam also tutored for the Department of Archaeology and taught courses for the Centre for Continuing Education at the University of Sydney and the Workers Educational Association (WEA) in Sydney.

Sam was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour in late 1997. Despite this she completed her PhD thesis in 2001. Throughout her illness and treatment, Sam showed immense courage and a remarkable determination to live a normal life.