Dear Members and Friends – Please join us on November 28th for the 2023 JB Hennessy Memorial Lecture to be presented by Dr Lindy Crewe – Director of the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute in Nicosia.

Pioneering work on the Early–Middle Bronze Age of Cyprus focussed on cemeteries in the eastern, central and north coast areas, furnishing whole vessels for museum collections and the construction of typologies. Numbers of settlement excavations increased throughout the 20th century but the west has remained little known. Ongoing excavations at Kissonerga-Skalia on the west coast of Cyprus are illuminating how a Bronze Age community in this part of the island lived: the choices made in raw material selection and subsistence strategies, amongst other aspects. Excavation has revealed a long occupation sequence, encompassing the entire Early–Middle Cypriot, until the site was abandoned at the threshold of the Late Bronze Age (c. 2500–1650 BCE). The pronounced regionalism in fabrics, styles and technological choices noted in Cypriot Bronze Age pottery from the outset of archaeological investigations, allows us to identify not only imports from other areas of the island but also to see the interaction of craftspeople in the exchange of ideas and the adoption of innovations. This lecture will explore how connections between the west and other areas of Cyprus may have been mediated and how they may have fluctuated through time.

Dr. Lindy Crewe is a leading scholar of Bronze Age Cyprus who studied under Professor Edgar Peltenburg at the University of Edinburgh, and excavates in western Cyprus. She has authored works including Figurine Makers of Prehistoric Cyprus: Settlement and Cemeteries at Souskiou and Early Enkomi: Regionalism, trade and society at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age on Cyprus.
In 2007 Dr. Crewe assumed the directorship of the excavations of Kissonerga-Skalia, a post she still holds. She lectured in archaeology at the University of Manchester until she took up the role of Director of the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) in Nicosia in 2017.
Registration for this event can be made at the following link:
Please note there are two lectures available for registration on this link – click the Lecture Title tab and a drop down will appear allowing you to choose either of the lectures. If you wish to register for both Dr Bourke’s lecture on Richard’s Gift and Dr Crewe’s then add first one to the cart and then “continue shopping”. Proceed as normal after that.